Friday 6 December 2013


Assalamualaikum everyone. This is my first time creating a blog. Actually I'm not really interesting in writing a blog because I'm a person who not really share with other and I also not really have time for this but I love to read the others blogger things. Today I have my own because it is part of my assignment for MGT 300.

MGT 300 study about information technology in business. My lecturer who will teach me more about IT in business is PUAN INTAN LIANA BINTI SUHAIMI. She is the one who let me involve in blogger world. Thanks to her. First class she introduce herself, I notice that she is simple and  very negotiable person. I want to know her more in persons. Insyaallah.

So, for the first class as usual, there is an ice breaking. We getting know the subject, the lecturer, the classmates, and also the venue. It is my first time actually study in the computer lab. Well, it is just the same as others computer lab I went but in UiTM their facilities are much better than others.

November 26. Today is our second class which means we start to explore the text book. CHAPTER 1-BUSINESS DRIVEN TECHNOLOGY. In this chapter, we learn in details about IT's ROLE IN BUSINESS and IT BASICS.

Today, in business, to achieve organization goal and to run an organization we need the helps from technology. It not weird anymore, why IT is everywhere in business. Main role of IT is connecting with the information and data either to keep it or to spread it to others (communications). For instance, to keep the customers details or to advertise the product to the customers we need the technology for easy the business operations. Besides that, other impact of IT in business operations is the business functions receiving the greatest benefits like, operations management department used technology to process the materials. Next impact is information technology project goals. For instance to reduce costs, business must undertake interprisewide initiatives which is need the IT. More impacts is common departments in an organization and an organizations typically operate by functional areas or functional silos that are interdependent.

Next, the basics of information technology. There is IT and MIS. IT or information technology is a field concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information and very important enabler of business success and innovation. MIS or management information system is a general name for the business function and academic discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and procedures to solve business problems. To learn MIS, it is important to understand the DATA, INFORMATION, BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, IT RESOURCES, and IT CULTURES.

DATA is a raw facts that describe the characteristics of an event. Data in an Excel Spreadsheet then turned into INFORMATION that is meaningful and useful context. Next, the information turned into BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. Business intelligence is an applications and technologies that are used to support decision-making efforts.

IT RESOURCES in essence means people use the IT to work with information.

IT CULTURES plays with the organization's culture in determining how successfully it will share information. The way people use information and will reflect the importance that company leaders attribute to the use of information in achieving success or avoiding failure. Organizational information cultures include INFORMATION-FUNCTIONAL CULTURE-employees use information as a means of exercising influence or power over others, INFORMATION-SHARING CULTURE-employees across departments trust each other to use information to improve performance, INFORMATION-INQUIRING CULTURE-employees across departments search for information to better understand the future and align themselves with current trends and new directions, AND INFORMATION-DISCOVERY CULTURE-employees across departments are open to new insights about crises and radical changes and seek ways to create competitive advantages.

End of chapter one. Until here. See you next time. TATA..!

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